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When you’re in control of your profit and loss (P&L), you have a tighter hold on the reins of your profitability. Read our Plain English guide to P&L and learn how to boost your profits. #tax #accounting #businesstips #ProfitAndLoss #P&L

Thinking about end-of-life planning might sound morbid. But by planning ahead, you remove the worry and hassle for your loved ones and secure your long-term legacy. #businessadvice #SmallBusiness #endoflifeplanning #estateplanning

Prepare now for finalising STP payroll data by 14 July. Book a time with us today to check essential employee information, verify the numbers and confirm payroll categories are linked to the correct reporting fields before lodging with the ATO.

The super guarantee rate will rise in July this year to 11%. Have you calculated the extra cost to your business? This rate increase may also affect salary packages. Talk to us now to start preparing for the changes, so you don't get caught out.

The Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers handed down the 2023 Federal Budget on 9 May 2023. The following is a list of highlights from a tax and superannuation perspective.

Do you know your business breakeven point? Knowing how much income you must generate to cover all fixed and variable costs means you can make better business plans and financial decisions for long-term sustainability and profit.

The ATO lets us have a little more time for December lodgments, but you’ll still need to plan for paying your BAS and super soon! Talk to us about getting organised for the first ATO lodgments and payments of 2023 and make the start of the year easy.

Does your business need to improve its cash position? Poor cashflow is a problem for many businesses, whether you’re a start-up or an established family business. Talk to us about how you can get proactive with cashflow management.

The Federal Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers, handed down the Labor government's first Federal Budget on 22 October 2022. Here are the highlights of the tax and accounting measures announced. #budget

If you’re not already using Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 in your payroll software, you may have more time before you have to start using STP 2. Talk to us today to check your payroll systems and software before upgrading to STP Phase 2.

Does your business buy products and services from overseas suppliers? If so, you may be charged GST, but not always! We can review your accounts and software tax codes to make sure GST claims on overseas purchases are correct.

Do you know when your business should register for GST? If you're not charging GST, check your income to know when to register with the ATO. Most businesses must register at $75k, but there are special rules for some. Talk to us to get set up.

Illness and labour shortages – business owners are under more pressure than ever before. If you’re feeling stressed, here are three tips to prevent burnout.

Many businesses get pay wrong without being aware of it. But pay or payroll errors are a major financial and legal risk, so you need to know where you could be going wrong and ways to stay compliant. This article covers the most common pay mistakes.

Prepare now for finalising STP payroll data by 14 July. Book a time with us today to check essential employee information, verify the numbers and confirm payroll categories are linked to the correct reporting fields before lodging with the ATO.

Planning a Christmas party? Giving gifts to clients and suppliers? Paying a Christmas bonus? Talk to us to see if you can claim all or part of the cost as business expenses. Don’t get caught out by tricky entertainment rules!

New rules for super contributions, age limits, and the work test mean older workers can keep making contributions. Time to review your super plans? We’ll help you make the most of your allowable super contributions.